
40I came to Japan six years ago as an exchange student and studied at Shimane University’s Faculty of Medicine. After one year of study, I published my dissertation and success-fully received a national scholarship from my home country in 2015. By that time, I was enchanted with the diverse research topics and free communicative atmosphere of this university.BAI YUNPENGGraduate School of Medical ResearchAs I began to learn more about Japanese society outside of my studies, I decided to start job hunting in Japan. I seri-ously started job hunting during spring break of my third year, yet since the time I was a first year undergraduate, I attended job hunting seminars for international students held by Shimane University, participated in internships at companies in Shimane Prefecture and had exchanges with the Japanese companies and business people. I have deepened my under-standing about Japanese business culture and job hunting system through these experiences. As I began my search in earnest, faculty and staff members assisted me with writing resumes and gave me advice on other matters related to seeking employment. I am grateful to all the faculty and staff members at Shimane University.After graduating from my master’s course in my home country, my wife and I were determined to come to Shimane University to enroll in a Ph.D. course and continue our research life. Time flies and three years have passed. When I reflect on my life here, I find that it was so fruitful and unfor-gettable. Owing to my professor’s excellent research project, I published over seven papers in the last three years. Thanks to Shimane University's recommendation, I received three scholarships, which covered most of my living expenses from 2018 to 2021. I am very appreciative of my wife that we had a lovely and healthy boy in 2019. These examples are not merely numbers, yet behind each of them is a vividly memo-rable episode of a story in my mind. Due to the peaceful environment here, you can enlighten yourself and not be perturbed by the complicated world outside. Due to the elegant landscape, you can touch true nature, rather than the cold rebar and concrete world. Due to the hospitable citizens, you can really experience a diverse and distinct culture, and not just watch it on TV. Due to the free communicative atmosphere, you can discuss any research idea with anyone, and not sit alone in front of a silly computer.I have enjoyed every single day I have spent at this univer-sity; secluded and tranquil places like here are certainly few and far between in this world. Staying here and experiencing a pure life and study is the best thing that everyone deserves to try.Do Thi HueFaculty of Law and LiteratureThanks a million to Shimane UniversityFive years have passed since I came to Japan. At Shimane University, I belong to the laboratory of Cultural Exchange Theory and I study culture on a broad spectrum. Especially since I enrolled in this university, with the support of teachers and the International Exchange Division, I have had many opportunities to experience things outside of the classroom environment. For example, I tried Ikebana (the Japanese art of flower arrangement), presented on my home country’s culture and participated in activities for Non-Profit Organiza-tions. I was able to simultaneously study and participate in social activities and have an enjoyable campus life here at Shimane University.The secret garden – Shimane UniversityVoice of International Students

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