16/32 Faculty of Law and Literature covers a wide range of fields in humanities and social sciences. You can study a variety of research fields in small-size classes, where it is easy to ask questions or ask for advice from teachers and classmates. The faculty also plays a close role with communities in the region. Many students actively take part in social research, archaeological research, city planning and NPO activities. We offer graduate programs in humanities and social sciences as well. Each program aims to educate students in devel-oping academic information literacy to play a useful part in today’s highly information-ori-ented society.We seek students with a strong motivation to study and a clear vision of the future. We are committed to ensuring that our students ac-quire academic knowledge, develop research skills, and make full use of their knowledge and skills in society.A candidate must have graduated from high school or have achieved the equivalent of a high school education. International students are also required to have a high level of profi-ciency in Japanese language (N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test) since education is conducted in Japanese. Faculty ofLaw andLiterature

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