Shimane University Principles for SDGs


Shimane University Principles for SDGs


Shimane University states in its university charter that it will “strive to develop a prosperous society that coexists with nature.” Based on activities such as persistent education, research and medical care, we are working toward the achievement of SDGs through fostering people who contribute to the promotion of regional revitalization, development of a peaceful international society, and realization of an inclusive society. By doing so, Shimane University will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.


In particular, Shimane University takes advantage of the geographical characteristics of the region. In order to conserve and succeed the environment to future generations, we work closely with the local community, and at the same time, strive for education that raises students’ awareness of SDGs.



   HATTORI Yasunao,   President of Shimane University

 November 14th, 2019