Faculty of Human Sciences

image1 The Faculty of Human Sciences provides programs in which students can acquire a capacity for understanding humans “mentally,” “physically” and “socially,” and deepen their expertise. They can directly see,feel and learn on site from the first year to the last year. The faculty provides subjects in which students can acquire capabilities of hypothesis testing,theorization and schematization,and classes in which they can discuss regional practice and research with one another. Through these experiences, we provide opportunities for the students to develop the capabilities to address issues in cooperation with people in various fields.


International Admission Policy

 We accept students with the following capabilities and qualities.

- Students who are interested in understanding humans sympathetically and objectively

- Students who are willing to voluntarily study to work out solutions for the problems humans have in society and who are willing to contribute to local communities using their expertise

- Students who have an attitude to develop themselves and make efforts to solve problems in cooperation with others



Message from Dean

 人間科学部長顔写真(提出用).JPG Professor ISOMURA Minoru 

 The Faculty of Human Sciences develops student’s abilities to understand human characteristics and realize a society in which people can live by their own values. Students can learn about humans multi-directionally from the physical, mental and social aspects. The faculty provides programs in which students can learn in various local fields so that they can link what they learn with the scientific mind and theories. Furthermore, they can acquire the capability to solve problems in cooperation with people with different ideas. Shimane Prefecture, where our university is located, is an area rich with nature and Japanese cultural heritage and comfortable to live. We welcome students from various parts of the world to think about humans from various viewpoints in order to seek solutions for the problems people face.



Faculty of Humsn Sciences



Faculty of Human Sciences