公開日 2020/12/24
【3rd Report (December 24, 2020)】
Relating to the previously confirmed 7 cases (159th to 165th cases confirmed in Shimane) on December 9 and 10, 2020, 132 PCR tests were conducted of the Shimane University Hospital hospitalized patients, medical staff, and Shimane University students and relevant people. None of them tested positive for COVID-19.
With this result, Shimane University will respond as follows.
▶University’s Response【As of December 25, 2020】
1. Change in Level
The Shimane University Action Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 for Izumo Campus shall be lowered from Level 3 Severe Restrictions to Level 1 Minimum Restrictions.
Reference: Shimane University Action Guidlines in Response to COVID-19 [PDF:400KB] As of December 25, 2020
2. Stay-at-home Order
The order to stay at home for the students shall be lifted.
3. Classes
Follow the instructions given by teachers for the classes scheduled on December 25. Instructions regarding the classes after the winter vacation will be given at a later date.
4. Students' Entry to Campus
As of December 25, only students who have prior permission may enter Izumo campus.
5. Extracurricular Activities for Students
Extracurricular activities for students at Izumo Campus are all prohibited.
【2nd Report (December 11, 2020)】
Relating to the previously confirmed case (159th case confirmed in Shimane) posted on the university’s website on December 10, 2020, six more students (160th to 165th cases confirmed in Shimane) belonging to the Faculty of Medicine tested positive for COVID-19.
In cooperation with the regional public health center, Shimane University is currently tracing their activity history.
Shimane University’s response to this case is the same as the 1st report.
Please refer to the link below for the University Hospital information.
https://www.med.shimane-u.ac.jp/hospital/ (in Japanese)
【1st Report (December 10, 2020)】
Shimane University will response as follows to the confirmed COVID-19 case reported on December 10, 2020.
We take this matter seriously and will make further efforts to prevent further infection.
Please note that the university hospital is in normal operation.
▶University’s Response 【For the time being starting from December 10, 2020】
1. Change in Level
In response to this confirmed case, the Shimane University Action Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 for Izumo Campus has been raised to Level 3, Severe Restrictions.
The level for Matsue Campus remains Level 1, Minimum Restrictions.
Reference: Shimane University Action Guidelines in Reponse to COVID-19 (As of December 10, 2020) [PDF:579KB]
2. Class
As a rule, all the classes on Izumo Campus are moved to online after December 10 for the time being. However, follow the instructions given by teachers as some classes may be canceled.
Classes on Matsue Campus have no change.
3. Students' Entry to Campus
Students’ entry to Izumo Campus is prohibited from December 10 for the time being.
Entry to Matsue Campus has no change.
4. Extracurricular Activities for Students
Extracurricular activities for students at Izumo Campus are all prohibited for the time being.
No change is made to Matsue Campus extracurricular activities.