Department of Language and Culture

Japanese Language and Culture Studies
Chinese Language and Culture Studies
English Language and Culture Studies
German Language and Culture Studies
French Language and Culture Studies
Philosophy, Art, and Cultural Relations Studies

The department provides the above six study areas.
 Japanese Language and Culture Studies provides programs on Japanese Langauge and Japanese Literature. Students learn the history of Japanese language, syntax, phonetics, dialects, and other linguistic foundations. Literature majors study the picture scrolls and manuscripts from the Edo era and novels of the Meiji period.  Chinese Language and Culture Studies provides classes that extend from the Chinese myths to contemporary literature along with the history, culture and ideas. 

 English Languages and Culture Studies cprovides classes that cover the 16th-century English poetry to 21st-century American novels, and also gives courses on cross-cultural studies and English linguistics. Several classes are taught in English by native English speakers. German Language and Culture Studies has classes in which students read medieval to contemporary German texts, and guides students to develop understanding of German culture. French Language and Culture Studies provides courses on French linguistics and literature, Francophone cultures, and comparative studies with Asian and/or Anglophone literatures and cultures.  


 Philosophy, Art, and Cultural Relations Studies focuses on the study of various cultural activities in which cultures are inherited, altered through collision, or newly created. It guides students to learn research methods and apply them in interpretation of art, understanding of thoughts,and intercultural communication studies.






◆Department of Language and Culture (Japanese)