大学院学生に対する学会発表等に関する奨学金 Graduate Student Travel Grants for Presentations in Academic Conference
学会発表等の開催場所等 |
支給額の上限 |
北海道,沖縄県 |
7万円 |
東北地方 |
6万円 |
関東地方,甲信越地方 |
5万円 |
北陸地方,東海地方 |
4万円 |
近畿地方,四国地方,九州地方(沖縄県を除く) |
3万円 |
中国地方(島根県,鳥取県を除く) |
1万円 |
海外 |
10万円 |
インターネットを利用した学会発表等 |
参加費の実費 |
■学会発表等支援申請書 (別紙様式第1号)
松江キャンパス 学生支援課 TEL 0852-32-6063
出雲キャンパス 医学部学務課 TEL 0853-20-2088
Outline of Graduate Student Travel Grants for Presentations in Academic Conference
This grant promotes student involvement in their study and research by partially funding travel costs and fees associated with presentations in academic conferences and research meetings.
Applicants must meet all the requirements below.
- You are a graduate degree program students who belongs to Shimane University.
- You are a main presenter (one person per presentation).
- The amount paid from other expenses (including expenses from external organizations) for the same academic conference presentation, etc. will not exceed the travel expenses and conference participation fees stipulated in the Travel Expenses Regulations (Shimane University Regulations No. 25 of 2004). Within this scope, the scholarship must not be received in duplicate with the scholarship provided by these guidelines.
The chart below shows the maximum amount of grant by the area where a conference is held.
※The amount is subject to reduction.
Place of Conference |
Maximum Amount |
Hokkaido, Okinawa |
JPY70,000 |
Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima |
JPY60,000 |
Tokyo, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Yamanashi, Nagano, Niigata |
JPY50,000 |
Ishikawa, Fukui, Toyama, Aichi, Gifu, Mie, Shizuoka |
JPY40,000 |
Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Shiga, Nara, Wakayama, Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima |
JPY30,000 |
Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi |
JPY10,000 |
Outside Japan |
JPY100,000 |
Online conferences |
Actual registration fee |
Submit the Application for Graduate Student Travel Grants for Presentations in Academic Conference (Form 1) via applicant’s supervisor.
(No. of Payment)
Applicants can receive the payment under this scheme only once in an academic year.
(Report Submission)
After the presentation, applicants must submit the Report for Presentation in Academic Conference (Form 2) to the office in charge of general affairs of applicant’s graduate school.
In case of change/cancellation of the presentation plan, applicants must immediately notify the Dean of their affiliated graduate school.
■Application for Graduate Student Travel Grants for Presentation in Academic Conference (Form 1)
■Report for Presentation in Academic Conference (Form 2)